Loving Jesus

This page will express my love for the Lord Jesus, experiences with Him and my weekly enjoyment from His word!

            When we don't get our way, God gets His!

   Hello everyone, a few days ago I planned a trip to Jacksonville,

Fl. I really enjoy this spot and have many of friends and family

that I had planned to visit during my break. Unfortunately while

traveling my car completely gave out on me(transmission, speedometer

issues, etc). I was a little upset, but I was able to have the week

off from work so it is fine for me. During the ride home in the tow

truck me and the driver had a nice chat about traveling and living

in Florida and such. At the end of the ride, just before arriving

home. I realized that I had a bible track on me to give to the man.

He received it and was thankful. I learned something from that day.

The Lord had other plans that day for me; plans for me to meet this

man and give him Christ.

           Lord Jesus save him and his entire household!

        My Relationship with God

  I received the Lord at a Billy Graham concert/extravaganza in middle school. I remember that time because there were thousands of people in the O'Connell Center receiving Christ. It was a very emotional thing for me, but I knew God had come into me! After that time I did not get baptized and went on to High School and college in Tallahassee for a few years. I backslid from the Lord(which is where I got caught up in the world and got distracted from the Lord). It was in 2008 where I met a group of Christians that not only love the Lord, but love each other and care for God's interest on this earth. They never showed any care for material wealth or self glory or gain. Today, I can truly testify that I am fully recovered to my God and want to show others that they can receive Him into their heart as well and can know Him as their friend, Father, Lord and companion. He is there for you.

Just pray, Lord Jesus, Come into right now! I am a sinner and now know that You died so that I can be forgiven and cleansed.


   Even if you can't read the Word, you can hear it!

Sometimes we might feel spiritually drained or not in the mood to read God's

word, but we must not go one day without our spiritual food. Just as we eat

several times a day, and never forget that, we must also remember to take

care of our spiritual muscle, our spirit that God has given man to contact Him

(Zech. 12:1). Even if you don't read the word you can listen to it. Even if you

feel like you don't want to get into the bible daily you must contact Him daily

in some way(Prayer, talking and fellowship with others).I hope that this is an

encouragement for you readers. If any of you have any prayer requests post

them below.

Be encouraged<3

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